2017 is a time for many changes and very much about Truth. Sorting out what is true and what is false on many different levels particularly in your belief system.
2017 is very much a time for healing and unity consciousness – coming together in groups and creating positive change. It is the hippie era all over again! Many will feel a strong urge to change the world and to heal from deep within themselves. This will be required in order for GAIA to heal herself.
Many people will be searching for more authenticity within all their relationships and it is a time of sorting out what is REAL!
2017 and 2018 is all about building something solid and truly sustainable, and people who have been seeking joy and satisfaction through the material world only will begin to see that this is not sustainable living, but temporary gratification. These times mark the fall of the Patriarchy that has ruled us all for 2000 years. The Patriarchy is about Separation, and that which separates will crumble. It is a time where situations, projects and enterprises that are centred around greed will not work so well – not nearly as well as they did in the last 2000 years.
It is a time to come into alignment with the DIVINE FEMININE in us all.