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Blogs by Fiona

The 7 Mayan Prophecies

Some information on the Mayan Prophecies, written centuries ago:

The Maya do not speak of the end of the world in the literal sense;  they say that everything transforms, that the only thing which remains is the spirit, in its journey of evolution toward higher levels.

The First Maya Prophecy announces the end of the present cycle, that from the year 1999 there are 13 years remaining, that every person is in the great room of mirrors to find his own multidimensional nature within himself.

Their calendar contains the coded information which indicates the key date for the transformation: Saturday, December 22, 2012, and from there on.

The Second Maya Prophecy says that the answers to everything are inside of man, not outside in the material world. It affirms that humanity finds itself in a moment of fundamental transition toward a new way of perceiving the universe…that the universe and the solar system are receiving a beam of light, energy, and information from the centre of the galaxy, and that this is causing an increase in the vibration of the planet and the brain waves and cells of man, placing him with this new frequency, causing enormous changes in his behaviour.

The second Maya prophecy shows two paths: one of understanding and tolerance, and one of fear and destruction.

Man will learn the necessary lessons for the evolution of consciousness.

This prophecy tells us that humanity is moving toward a new era of harmony, and that to get there, we must confront our greatest fears and accept that we are faced with difficult situations in order to learn from them, maintaining peace in any situation which we experience. No matter how difficult the challenges, we can maintain and increase our internal energy, producing a state of high vibration and a state of respect for all that exists.

The difficult situations will remain in our lives as long as we need to learn something from them.

The Third Maya Prophecy says that we must become aware of our influence on the planet so that we do not continue making mistakes, or causing its destruction, as has happened over the course of history. The processes of industrialisation without ecological sensitivity have caused, with its wastes, a general increase in the temperature of the planet. This will be accentuated by increased activity of the sun, caused by the energy received from the centre of the galaxy, creating great changes in weather and winds.

There will be energy vortexes which will clean the earth’s surface.

The Fourth Maya Prophecy tells us: man must cease his destructive behaviour, in order to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and adjust to the changes which will take the whole universe to an era of harmony. The climate changes will produce a melting of the poles, allowing the planet to be cleansed and green again, producing great changes in the physical composition of the continents.

The Fifth Maya Prophecy says that all systems based on fear which affect our civilisation, will transform simultaneously with the planet and humanity, to take a new step toward the reality of harmony.

Systems will fail to confront humanity with itself, making us see the need to reorganise society and continue on the path of evolution, allowing us to understand Creation. Money will cease to be used as a form of exchange, and the symptoms which are emerging in various parts of the world seem to confirm this.

A single, common spiritual path will emerge for all humanity which will end the established limits we have set for the different ways of seeing God.

The new galactic day is seen in all religions and cults as an era of peace and harmony for all humanity. Therefore, it is clear that whatever does not contribute to this result should disappear or change. The new era of Light cannot allow a humanity based on a military economy which imposes truths by force.

The dawn of the galaxy should be based on PROFOUND RESPECT for each other, and the recognition of all that exists. The new humanity will not need existing technology communication systems, for we will be connected mentally, and therefore violence should cease to exist.

We are at the end of the night of 5125 years; at the end of a galactic day of 26,000 years, at the point of entering the dawn of the galaxy. The era of change which the Maya called “the time of no time” was also prophesied by other cults and religions. All agree that the world is at the point of a change of huge proportions, soon after which will occur a period of chaos which will usher in a new phase of evolution of consciousness and unprecedented changes in humanity.

The Sixth Maya Prophecy says that in the next few years a comet will appear whose trajectory will place humanity’s existence in danger, also predicted by many religions and cults; in the Bible’s book of Revelations it appears under the name Wormwood.

The Maya knew that for modern man, to discover with anticipation an asteroid so large and then divert it, would be one of the major achievements of human history and a critical act, that would unite us as a species.

The Seventh Maya Prophecy

It is said that in the years from 1999 onwards, the Light being emitted from the center of the galaxy synchronizes all living beings and permits them to voluntarily access an internal transformation which produces new realities, that we all have the opportunity to change and break our limitations, receiving a new sense. Those who voluntarily find their interior state of peace, taking their frequency of vital energy from fear to LOVE, will be able to Evolve.