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Contacting a Loved One

Sometimes a person in spirit will approach me when I am out and about in daily life. It can happen at the supermarket! The reason for this is that they have a physical loved one who is also there, and usually not standing too far away from me at the time. The loved one in […]

Pets in the After Life

I regularly have animals in spirit coming into the sessions with clients.  They are usually the clients’ pet from years before, or the pet of a family member or friend. Sometimes I have quite amazing experiences with these gorgeous animals.  I once did a reading for a client who, unbeknown to me, was grieving about […]

Dealing with the Spirit World

Many clients ask me how I deal with daily life in reference to being able to see people who have crossed over.  I am visited regularly by people in spirit – some of them are connected to me personally and others are random – in other words I don’t know them; they are just “passing through. Sometimes […]